Prof Suresh Kanesh
Prof Suresh Kanesh
Professor in Economics
PhD (QUT, Australia), M. ECON (CMB), B. ECON Hons (EUSL), UK Professional Standard of Teaching and Learning Support in HE (FHEA, UK)
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Twitter: @suresheusl
Suresh Kanesh is Professor in Economics and holds a Ph.D. in Economics at the School of Economics and Finance, Queensland University of Technology, Australia. Suresh has more than 16 years of teaching and research experience in Sri Lanka and overseas. His research interests focus on Environmental Economics, Tourism and Nature Conservation. He has published a number of papers in reputed Indexed Journals such as Land Use Policy, Tourism Economics, Heliyon and Economic Analysis and Policy. He has participated in numerous international conferences and training in Canada, Australia, U.A.E, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia and India. He is a Fellow at Higher Education Academy UK. Suresh is passionate about economics science by exploring symbiosis between tourism and nature conservation, especially how and under what circumstances tourism and tourism revenues as a compensation and conservation tool, particularly wild elephant conservation and mitigation of human-elephant conflict.
Key interest: Music, Cricket and Friends
Links to Publications
- Suresh, K., Wilson, C., Quayle, A., Khanal, U., & Managi, S. (Under review) “Economics of conservation and human-elephant conflict”, Ecological Economics.
- Suresh, K., Wilson, C., Quayle, A., Managi, S., & Khanal, U. (2022). Can a tourist levy protect national park resources and compensate for wildlife crop damage? An empirical investigation. Environmental Development, 42, 100697.
- Suresh K., Khanal, U., & Wilson, C. (2021). Stakeholders’ use and preservation valuation of lagoon ecosystems. Economic Analysis and Policy, 71, 123-137.
- Suresh, K., Wilson, C., Quayle, A., Khanal, U., & Managi, S. (2021). Which national park attributes attract international tourists? A Sri Lankan case study. Tourism Economics, 13548166211019865.
- Suresh, K., Wilson, C., Quayle, A., Khanal, U., & Managi, S. Santhirakumar Samithamby (2021). An economic analysis of agricultural adaptation to climate change impacts in Sri Lanka, Land Use Policy,109, 105601
- Suresh, K., Wilson, C., Khanal, U., Managi, S., & Santhirakumar, S. (2021). How productive are rice farmers in Sri Lanka? The impact of resource accessibility, seed sources and varietal diversification. Heliyon, e07398.
- Kanesh, S., Narmilan, A., Rifai Kariapper, A., Sabraz, N., & Jeyapraba, S. (2022). Farmers’ perception on precision farming technologies: A novel approach, 77(2), 264-276.
Research Interest
- Tourism Economics
- Nature Conservation
- Environmental Valuation
- Climate Change Adaptation
- Livelihood Development
- Economic Policy
- BST 1212 Introduction to Economics
- ECS 2233 Economics of the Public Sector
- ECS 3143 Natural Resource and Environmental Economics
- ECS 4163 Economics of Tourism
- Graduate Research Scholarship Award at QUT- UGC Scholarship 2017-2021.
- Best Presenter Award in the International Conference New Management in Higher Education Institutions, Manipal University, Jaipur, India, 2021.
- Best Research Award, for oral paper presented in International Research Conference at Bharadhidasan Institute of Management, Trichy, India, 2011.
Positions Held
- Member of Environmental Economics Group, School of Economics and Finance, Queensland University of Technology, Australia from 2017 to 2021.
- Research Assistant, Economic Society Australia (ESA), 2020.
- Student Counsellor, Eastern University Sri Lanka from 2011 to 2017.
- Coordinator, University Business Linkages (UBL), Faculty of Arts & Culture from 2015 to 2017.
- Member of Standing Committee on Career Guidance, UGC, from 2015 to 2016.
- Director Career Guidance, Eastern University, Sri Lanka from 2014 to 2016.
- Member of Technical Evaluation Committee, Eastern University, Sri Lanka 2016.
- Principal proposal writer for IDAS Project, Faculty of Arts & Culture from 2013 to 2015.
- Activity Coordinator for Soft skills under the University Development Grant from 2014 to 2016.
- Coordinator, Discipline of Economics, Faculty of Arts & Culture, Eastern University, Sri Lanka, with effect from 2012 to 2015
- Member Sports Advisory Board, EUSL from 2011 to 2013.
- Part time Academic Sub Warden, Eastern University, Sri Lanka from 2009 to 2011.