Dr. Mohamed Buhary Fowzul
Dr. Mohamed Buhary Fowzul
B.A.Hons (UPDN), M.Phil (UPDN), PhD(Malaysia)
Senior Lecturer Gr.I in Islamic Studies
Department of Islamic Studies
Faculty of Arts and Culture
Telephone: +94 70 679 1215
Email: fowzulb@esn.ac.lk / fowzulbuhary@gmail.com
Name with initials: M.B.Fowzul
Residential Address: No-890A/2, Old Market Road, Eravur-03. (30300)
Official Address: Department of Islamic Studies, Faculty of Arts and Culture,
Eastern University, Sri Lanka, Vantharumoolai, Chenkalady
Gender: Male
Date of birth: 1979-05-24
NIC NO: 197914502996
Civil status: Married
Nationality: Sri Lankan
E-mail: fowzulbuhary@gmail.com / fowzulb@esn.ac.lk
Contact No: +94 70 679 1215
Educational Qualification
- M.Phil. in Islamic Studies from the University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka in 2014.
- B.A.(Hons) Specialized in Islamic Studies from the University of Peradeniya, Paradeniya, Sri Lanka in 2006
- Moulavi Al-Aalim, Followed Seven years’ course in Arabic and Islamic Studies, at the Dharuth Thowheed Assalafiya Institute, Paragahadeniya, Sri Lanka in 2000
- Al-Hafiz (I have memorized the entire Holy Quran)
Links to Publications
Research and Publication
Research Papers
- Publication of a Research Article in Muallim Journal of Social Science and Humanities (MJSSH, Malaysia), Volume - 6, Issue - 2 (April 2022), e-ISSN:2590-3691, on the title of “DEFINING THE AGE OF MARRIAGE IN THE MMDA OF SRI LANKA: AN ISLAMIC PERSPECTIVE”.
- Publication of a Research Article in Al-Hikmah International Journal for Islamic Studies & Human Sciences, Vol. 4, No. 3, August 2021, E-ISSN: 2773-5508, on the title of “THE VIEWS OF THE WOMEN ACTIVISTS IN SRI LANKA ON THE VALIDITY OF WALĪ IN A MARRIAGE: A JURISTIC ANALYSIS”.
- Publication of a Research Article in the International Journal for Studies on Children, Women, Elderly and Disabled Vol. 11, (Oct) 2020, ISSN 0128-309X,on the title of “WOMEN’S ADVOCACY FOR IMPOSING STRINGENT STIPULATIONS ON POLYGAMY IN MUSLIM MARRIAGE AND DIVORCE ACT OF SRI LANKA: A JURISTIC ANALYSIS”.
- Presentation of a Research Paper at 11th Putrajaya International Conference on Children, Women, Elderly and People with Disabilities (PICCWED 11) on 22nd August 2020, on the title of “WOMEN’S ADVOCACY FOR IMPOSING STRINGENT STIPULATIONS ON POLYGAMY IN MUSLIM MARRIAGE AND DIVORCE ACT OF SRI LANKA: A JURISTIC ANALYSIS”, proceeding No: e-ISSN 2682-8375.
- Publication of a Research Article in the Sri Lankan Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies, ISSN: 2550: 3014, Vol.3 Issue.2;2020 on the title of “The Errors in the Application of Arabic Pronouns Among the Students of a Girls’ Arabic School in Eastern Sri Lanka: An Analytical Descriptive Study”
- Publication of a Research Article in the Muallim Journal of Social Science and Humanities (MJSSH, Malaysia), Volume 4- Issue 1 (January 2020), e-ISSN:2590-3691, on the title of “The Judgements of Quazi courts in Sri Lanka: An Analysis”.
- Publication of a Research Article in the NEITHAL (July - December) - Vol.10,Issue.2;2019, ISSN: 2012 – 6513, - A bi-annual peer-reviewed journal of the
- Faculty of Arts and Culture, Eastern University, Sri Lanka, on the title of “The Quazi Court Practices on Family Disputes of the Muslims: The Case Study on Sri Lanka Quazi Courts”.
- Publication of a Research Article in the Sri Lankan Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies, ISSN: 2550: 3014, Vol.2 Issue.2;2019 on the title of “Court procedures and Trial proceedings: An Empirical Analysis based on the Quazi Courts in Sri Lanka, published by the Faculty of Islamic Studies and Arabic Language, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka.
- Publication of Research Article in the Sri Lankan Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies, ISSN: 2550:3014, Vol.2 Issue.1;2019 on “Behaviors of Quazis in Sri Lanka: An Islamic and Empirical Analysis” Published by the Faculty of Islamic Studies and Arabic Language, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka.
- Presentation of a Research Paper at an International Academic Forum – 6th Sri Lanka Round Table 2018, at the University of Zurich, Switzerland on the title of “The Role of Muslim Actors in Family Counselling in Post-War Recovery in the East of Sri Lanka” on the 6th of September 2018.
- Publication of Research Article in Sri Lankan Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies, ISSN: 2550: 3014, Vol.1, issue,1:2018 on the title of “Qualifications of Quazis in Sri Lanka: An Islamic and Empirical Analysis”, published by the Faculty of Islamic Studies and Arabic Language, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka.
- Presentation of a Research Paper at Annual Research Session of Eastern University, Sri Lanka (ARS 2017), on the title of ‘Divorces and its impacts on the community: A sociological study based on the Batticaloa Muslims’ on 12th and 13th of October 2017.
- Presentation of a Research Paper on the title of ‘Contemporary Challenges Faced by Quazi Court System in Sri Lanka’ as a collaboration with the guest lecture of Dr. Christine Schenk (Honorary Research Associate, Fellow of the Swiss National Science Foundation, School of Geography and the Environment, University of Oxford) on “Negotiating Muslim Personal Law in Aceh, Indonesia: Possible implications for Sri Lanka?” at the Board Room, Faculty of Arts and Culture, EUSL on 26 July 2017 organized by Department of Islamic Studies, Faculty of Arts & Culture, EUSL.
- Presentation of a Research Paper at the Faculty Research Forum of the Faculty of Arts and Culture, Eastern University, Sri Lanka on the title of “The Muslim Personal Law in Sri Lanka, with Special Reference to the Quazi Court System” on 05.10.2016.
- Presentation of a Research Paper at 2 nd International Symposium 2015, Faculty of Islamic Studies and Arabic Language, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka, on the title of ‘Practice of Judgment: An Islamic Perspective’ on 04 th March 2015
- Publication of An Article on the title of “The Soaring Divorces among the Muslims and its Consequences in the Community” in the ‘UNMAI UTHAYAM’ 2015 January – a monthly magazine published by Jam-e-athu Ansaris Sunnathil Moammadiya, Kurunegala.
- Presentation of Research Paper at International Research Conference 2014, Eastern University, Sri Lanka, on the title of ‘Qualification and Behavior of Judge: An Islamic Perspective’ on 5th December 2014
- Presentation of Research Paper at 4th International Symposium 2014, the South Eastern University of Sri Lanka on the title of ‘Judicial Administration in Islam: a historical view on the structure of court’ on 02nd August 2014
- Publication of An Article on the title of “The Role of the Arabic Colleges in the Spiritual Development of Eravur Village” (Tamil) in INA SAMATHI 2014, Annual magazine of Divisional Secretariat, Eravur.
- “THE OTTAMAN EMPIRE”, (Tamil) - 2009
- “THE WOMEN’S ADVOCACY FOR REFORM IN THE MUSLIM MARRIAGE AND DIVORCE ACT OF SRI LANKA: A JURISTIC ANALYSIS” in 2021, Thesis Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirement of the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences.
- “THE OPERATION OF THE QUAZI COURT SYSTEM IN SRI LANKA: A STUDY WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO QUAZI JUDGES” in 2014, Thesis Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirement of the Degree of Master of Philosophy in Islamic Civilization of the University of Peradeniya.
- “THE ETHNIC PROBLEM AND THE BATTICALOA MUSLIMS”, in 2005/2006 Submitted to the department of Arabic and Islamic Civilization, University of Peradeniya, in partial fulfilment of the requirement of the Degree of Bachelor of Arts.
- M.B.Fowzul, (2015) “The Soaring Divorces among the Muslims and its Consequences in the Community” in the ‘UNMAI UTHAYAM’ 2015 January – a monthly magazine published by Jam-e-athu Ansaris Sunnathil Muhammadiyah,Kurunegala.
- M.B.Fowzul, (2014) “The Role of the Arabic Colleges in the Spiritual Development of Eravur” (Tamil) in INA SAMATHI 2014, Annual magazine of Divisional Secretariat, Eravur
Research Interest
- Muslim Personal Law
- Islamic Law
- History of Sri Lankan Muslims
- Islamic History
- Quranic Studies
- History of Sri Lankan Muslims up to 1948 – for 2nd year 2nd semester
- Islamic Fine Arts and Sciences – 3rd year 1st semester
- Ethical Code of Islam based on holy Quran and the hadith – 3rd year 1st semester
Positions Held
- Coordinator for the Extramural Studies, Faculty of Arts and Culture, EUSL from 01/12/2021 to 30/11/2023
- MIS in charge of the Faculty of Arts and Culture, EUSL - 2021 and 2022
- Member of the Editorial Board for the International Journal of Social Science and Human Research (IJSSHR) 2021
- Member of the Editorial Board for the Faculty Journal - Neithal 1,2020
- Student Counsellor in the following periods
- 2022
- 08.07.2015 – 08.09.2016 (01 year and 02 months)
- 17.02.2017- 16.02.2018 (01 Year)