Mr.Chelliah Sivanayagam

Mr.Chelliah Sivanayagam
B.A. Hons. (UJ), M.Phil. (UPDN)
Senior Lecturer-Gr.I
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B.A. Hons. (UJ), M.Phil. (UPDN)
Senior Lecturer-Gr.I
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Personal Information:
Name: Mr.Chelliah Sivanayagam
Date of Birth: 21 June 1969
Gender: Male
Civil Status: Married
Nationality: Sri Lankan Tamil
NIC No: 691730727 V
Professional Qualifications:
- M.Phil.- in Political Science, University of Peradeniya-2005.
- B.A (Hons) in Political Science, University of Jaffna -1994”.
Training Workshop and Seminars related to the Profession:
- Syllabus preparation in Social Harmony in Kandy – 2007.
- Participated in 4EF batch three – site evaluation in Kandy -2008.
- Participated in the workshop on “Corporate Plan” March 2006.Staff Development Centre, EUSL.
- Participated in the workshop on “Corporate Plan” for Faculty of Arts & Culture, EUSL. From 24.01.2006 to 20.01.2006.
- Participated in the work shop “Peace Building Prospect in the University System” at Matera- 2005.
- Served as A Resource person for the programme of “Environment and Livelihood Restoration and Development in Tsunami effected areas in Sri Lanka (CIDA) 2006.
- Participated in the Teacher Training Programme on International Humanitarian Law organized by the ICRC – Colombo – 2007.
- Work shop on “Curriculum Design and Development” organized by Faculty of Arts & Culture-2009.
- Participated in the workshop Performance Indicators for Higher Education Institutions-2009, organized QAAC & SDC, EUSL.
- Participated in the Capacity of Head of the Department in the discussion of Corporate plan and Strategic plan EUSL.
- Participated in the Training workshop in Student Centred Learning in Vayampa University of Sri Lanka -2014.
- Corporate plan/ Strategic plan Action plan meeting EUSL 26.06.2015.
- Addressing/ Preventing practices of Sexual and Gender based Violence (SG13V) in South Asian Institutions of Higher Educations 9th 10th July 2015 organized by Association of Commonwealth University (ACU) supported by Eastern University Sri Lanka.
- Participated Seminar “Academic Freedom and Ethics”. EUSL, 20.11.2015.
- State System and Characteristics of Good Governance in Sanha Literatures’ – A Research Paper (Tamil) Submitted to the second International Research Conference on Tamilology of the University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka (2021)
- ‘Aspect of Divine rights understanding in Sanha Literature’ – A Research Paper (Tamil) Submitted to the second International Research Conference on Tamilology of the University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka (2021)
- Sri Lanka’s Muslim Personal Law and its recent Track: Special Inspection in Ninthavur Quazi Court’ – A Research Paper submitted to the Annual research session 2022, Faculty of Arts and Culture, Eastern University, Sri Lanka.
- The Role of the United Nations Organization in Promoting World Peace.
- The Separate Identify of Batticaloa Tamils and Mukkuvar Valamai.
- “Influence of Globalization in National Political System” 9th Annual Research Session, 2010.
- Parliamentary Election and Social Conflict under the Proportional Representative Electoral System – A Study based on Sri Lanka.
Research Interest
- International and Regional Organization
- Comparative Governments
- Comparative Politics
- Political Issues in South Asia
- Peace Promotion Tour in Japan organized by Foreign Ministry of Japan – 2008.
- A Short Term Training Programme “Study the Academic Programme and Administrative System” in India.-2009.
Positions Held
- Served as the Co-ordination Discipline of Economics Faculty of Arts & Cultural EUSL may 2007- may2008.
- Served as member of the Library Committee, EUSL.
- Served as member of the Sports Advisory Board, EUSL.
- Served as member of the Senate, EUSL.
- Served as member of the Leave & Awards Committee EUSL.
- Served as a member to the Campus Board of the Trincomalee from August 2007 to August 2010.
- Served as Senior Treasurer for Faculty of Arts & Culture, EUSL. from 11.02.2014 to 31.12.2014.
- Served Social Secretary of Senior Common Room Society, EUSL.
- Served Assistant Secretary of on Teachers Association, EUSL.
- Served as the Head, Department of Social Science 01/07/2005-31/06/2012. EUSL.
- Served as one of the members “Citizens” Engagement in the Budgetary Process-2017 organized by Ministry of Finance, Sri Lanka.
- Served as one of the Reviewers for the Research papers 4th International Conference -2016 EUSL.
- Served as one of the Reviews for the Research papers 12th Annual Research Session-2015, EUSL.
- Served as one of the Reviewers for “KALAM” volume viii (1&2) 2014 Faculty of Arts & Culture, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka.
- Served as one of the Reviewers for the Research papers 3rd International Conference 2014 EUSL.
- Served as a Reviewer to the 2nd International Conference on Contemporary Management (ICCM-2015), University of Jaffna.
- Serving as Convener of the Committee to Examination Offences, Faculty of Arts & Culture, EUSL.
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